
One-click BackUp for WinRAR manual

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OCB help index
Software License Agreement
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What is One-click BackUp (OCB) for WinRAR and what is its purpose?
Freeware vs. Shareware versions. Registration.
How do I make first-time installation?
How do I get language files or translate OCB into my native language?
What files do I need to back up and how often?
What is a preset? Creating a new preset.
How do I set up a simple preset to test OCB?
General conceptions for everyday use
Using OCB main window
Settings - General tab
Settings - Interface tab
Settings - OCB-BIN tab
Settings - Remote Access tab
Settings - Dialup tab
Settings - Error management tab
Settings - Security tab
Settings - Appearance tab
Preset configuration - saving and loading default settings
Preset configuration - selecting an image for the preset
Preset configuration - General tab
Preset configuration - Actions tab
Preset configuration - File lists tab
Preset configuration - Notes / Comments tab
Duplicating a preset
Renaming a preset
Deleting a preset
Making a Windows shortcut to run a preset
Scheduling a preset
Creating a special preset (Windows Registry backup demo)
Configuring the scheduler
Using Shell Notifier
Advanced commands
Restoring backup files
Using command line parameters to control OCB
Using remote access via Internet or LAN to control OCB

Configuring the scheduler

Use the scheduler if you don't want to keep in your head all the dates when you should create your backups. The scheduler doesn't work when OCB is not loaded. To open the scheduler click right mouse button on any preset in the Preset Table and select "Schedule".

Preset - the name of the preset to schedule (or advanced command - see later).

First run - date and time of first run. To paste the current date and time, click right mouse button on the control and select "Now". Dates of the past mean that the preset will be executed as soon as possible.

Repeat - specify how many times the execution of the preset should be repeated. "-1" means that it will be executed until you remove it manually, "0" means that the preset will be executed only once.

Interval - set the interval in days, hours, minutes. Minimal interval is always 1 minute.

Every [day of week] - make OCB automatically calculate all settings so that the task should be repeated every week at one and the same time. Don't forget to check "Repeat" parameter - it is still active. For example, if it is set to "3", your task will be executed on the specified day of week only 4 times.

Reschedule to the following days only - select the days of week when the task should be executed. It only affects rescheduling, i.e. it is ignored if you set up a one-time task. It is important to be sure that this option doesn't interfere with the "Every [day of week]" option, otherwise the task will be rescheduled to the nearest checked day of week (which is most likely not the thing that you expect). For example, if you set "run every Sunday", make sure that at least "Sunday" day of week is checked.

Day skip - this option specifies how the unchecked days of week should be skipped by the scheduler. If this checkbox is unchecked, the specified interval will be added until the new date suits the day-of-week rule. If this checkbox is checked, the 24 hours interval will be added until the new date suits the day-of-week rule. Example:

Checked days are from Monday to Friday; unchecked days are Saturday and Sunday.
The execution takes place on 2007.10.19 20:00:00 (Fri), the interval is 6 hours.
The scheduler attempts to set new date to 2007.10.20 02:00:00, but it's Saturday, and it is unchecked.

  • If "Day skip" is checked, the scheduler will add 24 hours to get 2007.10.20 20:00:00, still it's Saturday. Scheduler adds 24 hours again to get 2007.10.21 20:00:00, its Sunday, and it's also unchecked. Finally Scheduler adds 24 hours again to get 2007.10.22 20:00:00, its Monday and it's checked, so this date will be the next execution date.
  • If "Day skip" is unchecked, the scheduler acts as it is expected but it skips the executions that should take place on unchecked days of week. It will skip 2007.10.20 02:00:00, 2007.10.20 08:00:00, 2007.10.20 14:00:00, 2007.10.20 20:00:00, 2007.10.21 02:00:00, 2007.10.21 8:00:00... until it finds the date that can be used, and it will be 2007.10.22 02:00:00.

For the reasons mentioned above, the rescheduling can be sometimes confusing when using the checked Day skip and the checked Precise interval, as in some circumstances these parameters can interfere with each other. It is recommended to keep this checkbox unchecked unless you completely understand that its purpose is exactly what you need.

Precise interval on delay - specify how to add interval if the execution was delayed. Delayed executions occur when the computer was off / in hibernation or OCB was busy with another preset at the time of the scheduled start. If this checkbox is checked, the interval will be added to the time of the last execution until OCB finds suitable time in the future (if you have missed several executions, OCB will count them as one missed execution). If you don't care to preserve the time of execution, you may want to uncheck this checkbox. In this case the interval will be added to the current time. Here are two general examples:

1) You want to backup documents every day at 16:00. Not earlier or later. In this case set first run to "16:00" and interval to "1 day", check the checkbox. If you miss the execution, next execution will either be skipped or occur as soon as possible (depends on your settings) and then it will occur next day at 16:00 again.

2) You want to backup your files every 30 minutes, and you don't care at what time they will be backuped. Set first run to any date/time and interval to "30 minutes ", uncheck the checkbox. If you miss the execution, it will either be skipped or occur as soon as possible (depends on your settings) and then start in 30 minutes again notwithstanding the previous time of execution. The interval between the executions will never be less then 30 minutes.

Delayed execution methods:

  • Run as soon as possible - OCB will run it as soon as it finishes its current job and the time of next execution will depend on the "Precise interval on delay" checkbox (see above).
  • Skip and run next time - works only if repeat is at least 1. It skips the execution and adds the interval to the previous execution date. If repeat is 0, it works the same way as "Run ASAP".
  • Delete from the schedule: removes the preset from the schedule (no execution occurs).

If several executions were delayed, the first to run will be the one with the longest delay interval.


To copy the data from an existing scheduled task to the form, doubleclick the item in the list.
To copy the data from the form to an existing scheduled task, select the item in the list and click "Update".
To delete an existing task from the schedule, select the item and click "Delete".


Scheduler compatibility.

The scheduler is completely compatible with computer hibernation. When the computer resumes from hibernation, the delayed executions occur and they are managed according to your settings. The same thing occurs when you exit OCB, turn off the computer and load OCB another day.

Note that you can turn off the scheduler, but you should understand that command line and remote access features will be useless when the scheduler is disabled. Still, sometimes it may be useful to temporary disable it. For example, if you were away for a long time and you know that a lot of presets are going to be executed when you run OCB for the first time, you may want to disable the scheduler and delete unneeded scheduled tasks. Or if you need maximum performance and you don't want to run scheduled WinRAR processes right now, you may safely turn the scheduler off. While the scheduler is off, you may add new tasks manually or by means of command line or remote control, but they will not be executed until you turn the scheduler on. Note, that while the scheduler is disabled, some tasks may become delayed, and they will be treated according to their settings when you enable the scheduler again.

The status of the scheduler is shown by means of a color (red/green) button. Press this button to turn the scheduler on and off.
See also: /SCHON, /SCHOFF.



Using Shell Notifier
Advanced commands.
Using command line parameters to control OCB.