
Sophisticated Rename manual

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Simple tasks can be processed with the help of a static template, when all files are renamed according to a single rule. But in the most complicated cases you will be able to rename files only with a dynamic template, i.e. the template which can change itself during the renaming process. One of the most simple examples of a dynamic template is a template that renames portrait photos as "prtr-1234.jpg" and landscape photos as "lnds-1234.jpg".

To make a template dynamic, you should use external variables or conditionals. External variables require some kind of knowledge in programming languages while you don't have to know any specific things to use conditionals.

Conditionals (conditions) are marked with "*CON". You can use any SR datatype (text, counter, another var, condition, xvar or external) as the objects of conditionals. You can also use ordinary numbers and text lines like "23" or "hello". To add a conditional, press [Var Editor] in the main window. Move your eyes to the "Conditional" label.

The structire of a conditional is similar to that of "if ... then ... else..." statement in most programming languages.

If var1 (relation) var2 then result=str11+str12 else result=str21+str22; Var1 and var2 is any SR datatype.

var1 equals var2: 'aa' and 'bb' - no; 98 and 97 - no.
var1 doesn't equal var2: 'aa' and 'bb' - yes.
var1 contains var2: 'abcd' and 'bc' - yes.
var1 doesn't contain var2: 'abcd' and 'mn' - yes.
var1 < var2: 'ab' and 'cd' - yes; 5 and 3 - no.
var1 <= var2: 'ef' and 'cd' - no; 12 and 12 - yes.
var1 > var2: 'abd' and 'abc' - yes; 3 and 10 - no.
var1 >= var2: 'qwe' and 'qwe' - yes, 4 and 3 - yes.

length() is the same, but it is the length of the var's result that matters: length 'abc'=3, length '2'=1, length "*XVR FILE DATE DAY" = 2 and so on.
Example: if var1 length()> 3 then... (it is the same as Delphi's if length(var)>3 then...)

There is a difference between numbers and strings. if var1 and var2 are both numbers, they are compared as numbers, but if at least one of them is not a number, they are compares as strings. For instance, 345>8, if they are compared as numbers, but '345'<'8', if they are strings, because the symbol '3' precedes '8'. If you need to compare numbers as strings, add some non-digit symbol to the end of either var1 or var2, and they will be regarded as strings, for example '123;'.

String as a set of symbols: (for var2 only). If this checkbox is checked, var1 will be in some relation with any symbol of var2:
var1 equals var2 - if var1 equals any symbol from var2 then... (makes sence with length(var1)=1 only)
var1 doesn't equal var2 - if var1 doesn't equal any symbol form var2, then... (makes sence with length(var1)=1 only)
var1 contains var2 - if var1 contains at least one symbol from var2 then...
var1 doesn't contain var2 - if var1 doesn't contain any symbol from var2 then...
For other relations this function is useless.

Case sensitive search: If checked, 'Abc' is not equal 'abc'. If not checked, they are considered equal.


Note: the main constriction can be shortened as you need, for example instead of using
If var1 (relation) var2 then result=str11+str12 else result=str21+str22
you may use this:
If var1 (relation) var2 then result=str11 else result=str21
or this:
If var1 (relation) var2 then result=str11
or even this:
If var1 (relation) var2 then result= else result=str22.

Relating lesson: Lesson-C.
Relating lesson: Lesson-D.

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