Page tags

Exif2htm history file

2008.09.01 – E2H Version 1.07.

1) Now it is possible tyo insert file size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes.

2) GPS coordinates are now shown in degrees for more compatibility.


2007.12.17 – E2H Version 1.06.

1) Now E2H understands some strange JPGs that showed no exif before.


2007.11.19 – E2H Version 1.05.

1) The program doesn’t stop anymore when an image has a corrupt exif part.

2) Now it’s possible to set custom lines to notify about the absence of tags or exif header.


2006.12.03 – E2H Version 1.04.

1) Increased compatibility with the description tag in some unusual jpg files.


2006.09.03 – E2H Version 1.03.

1) Added open/save preset dialogs.

2) Increased compatibility of {image} tag: the spaces are replaced with %20 and the “file:///” is added in the beginning of the file name to ensure the compatibility with Mozilla FireFox.


2005.03.02 – E2H Version 1.02.

1) Webalbum feature added.


2005.02.28 – E2H Version 1.01.

1) Minor feature bugs and interface improvements.


2005.02.23 – E2H Version 1.00.

1) First release of the program.