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Total Power Control history file

1.02 (2010.02.12)

1) Possibility to hide battery meter when used on desktop computers (use checkbox in settings window). Acritum logo will be shown instead by default, but it is possible to replace it with any 346×56 pixel image, just save it as skin_logo.jpg and put it to the tpc.exe folder.

1.01 (2010.02.08)

1) Configuration: added checkbox to hide main window when using big red power button (it is default action now).

2) Configuration: added precapture time for screenshots, a delay before capture used to hide menus and dialogs (Windows has that “fade-away” feature and doesn’t hide windows immediately).

3) Tray menu was replaced with Power menu and old tray menu is now in the submenu of the last item, because the things there are not used as often as power tasks.

4) Saves all hotkeys with other settings.

5) Added “powersettings” command line to show standard power plan configutation window.

6) Now when you double click on any empty space in the CPU meter its height decreases twice and only current, average and peak values remain visible. To return the previous appearance you should doubleclick again.

7) Now it is possible to run any application or command when you double click tray icon. Convenient to set to “tpc turnscreenoff”.

8) F1 shows help in the main window, config window and timer window.

9) Some cosmetic changes.

1.00 (2010.01.29)
First release