Purpose: automatically finds a common substring in all filenames and
truncates it. Note: all the files in the list must have a common set of symbols,
otherwise it won't work (the plugin will return original filenames).
Installation: This distributive archive has the same folder structure as the main SR folder. So just copy all the files to the corresponding folders, for example, "external\truncate.dll" to "c:\program files\sophisticated rename\external\truncate.dll".
Function: trunc
cleft - the common string found from left to right.
cright - the common string found from right to left.
rleft - the original filename without common string (cut from left).
rleft - the original filename without common string (cut from right).
rboth - the original filename truncated from both sides.
Parameters: none.
Example for set of files: pic-004old.jpg, pic-078old.jpg, pic-256old.jpg.
cleft - "pic-"
cright - "old"
rleft - "004old", "078old", "256old".
rright - "pic-004", "pic-078", "pic-256".
rboth - "004", "078", "256".
Try this processing: preset "truncate", files "tutorial\truncate\*.*".
Should you have any questions, contact Anatoliy Kovalenko at http://acritum.com.