SaveID3 Plugin for Sophisticated Rename 2.03 and later.
Version 1.1 (17 Apr 2005).

Purpose: writes ID3v1 tags to mp3 files. The plugin can use SR datatypes (vars) as input parameters. SR 2.03 allows you to do this work in the internal ID3 updater, but you may do the same thing with the help of this plugin.

Installation: This distributive archive has the same folder structure as the main SR folder. So just copy all the files to the corresponding folders, for example, "external\saveid3.dll" to "c:\program files\sophisticated rename\external\saveid3.dll".

Function: 'writeid3'

Parameters: 'title', 'album', 'artist', 'year', 'comment', 'track', 'genre'. Track and genre are byte values [0..255].
Parameter 'unsafemode=1' is used to allow plugin to write tags to non mp3 files. If this parameter is not used, the plugin will only process files with ".mp3" extension.

Result key: 'result' is used to show the result of the operation (success or error).


We have such a folder/file structure:
\Music\Alphaville\1997 Salvation\01 - Inside Out.mp3

Alphaville - artist; 1997 - year; Salvation - album; 01 - track; Inside Out - title.

Create vars to get this data - this is easy, if you don't know how to do it, learn lesson 4 in the SR manual. I have already defined all these vars to save your time, but you may need to modify them for your specific folder/file structure. So, my version is in "\presets\saveid3" in this archive pack. You will need the files from "<SR-FOLDER>\tutorial\lesson-9" to test all this stuff.

Now testing.

1) Copy my "saveid3" preset to your presets folder and the dll file to SR "external" folder.
2) Load SR, drag&drop the whole "Music" folder from "tutorial\lesson-9" to add all these mp3 files to the list.
3) Press "Shift-F8" to ensure that there is no exif data in these files.
4) Load my "saveid3" preset. Now do not do anything else - everything is already done!
5) Press "Shift-F8" to see that ID3 record has correct tags.

PS1: always work with copies of originals - all changes cannot be undone.

PS2: if something doesn't work, open external var and check the path to the dll - may need to change it manually.


Should you have any questions, contact Anatoliy Kovalenko at